3 Year Old Kindergarten
To view our 3 Year Old Parent Handbook, Click Here.
Our 3-year-old Kindergarten room is located within our main ‘Exceeding Rated’ ELC facility. Our 22-place Kindergarten strongly focuses on self-help skills, building children’s independence and emotional regulation, and preparing children for their undertakings in our 4-year-old Kindergarten program.
The program is planned and delivered monthly. It includes a variety of intentional teaching, child-led learning, and family input.
Our Kindergarten Program overview
Our program reflects our everyday lives and the children’s abilities and interests. It emphasises children’s choice and independence to encourage and scaffold prior knowledge and expose them to new ideas and experiences. The intention is to develop children’s skills, dispositions, and knowledge continuously.
- Term 1: Toilet training, SunSmart, Self-help and independent skills, Family culture and identity, Show and Tell, Sustainability Program.
- Term 2: Inquiry based learning, road safety and emergency services, emotions - self regulation, social skills.
- Term 3: Literacy program, A-Z letter recognition, pencil grip.
- Term 4: Numeracy program, 0-20 number recognition, Storybook show and tell, 4 Year old kindergarten orientations.
The children participate in three group times each day, including morning circle time and intentional teaching, music and movement, story, and rest time.
Community Collaboration
We value community collaboration in our program. Our Kindergarten children participate in 2 excursions and two incursions throughout the year. These include places like Twisted Science and have had visits from The Drama Toolbox and Ready Steady Go sports program.
Additionally, we utilise the Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool to capture children’s developmental progress, and share this information with families.
- Police, fire station and ambulance visits.
- Sunshine circles.
- Puppets for learning’ by Pelican talk (supporting social and emotional development).
- Clayton South Primary School visits for Art and Spanish lessons.
- Local walks and playground visits.
- Dental Health checkup.
4 Year Old Kindergarten
To view our 4 Year Old Parent Handbook, Click Here.
Our 4-Year-Old Kindergarten is an ‘Exceeding Rated’ stand-alone campus located directly across from our ELC building. Our 22-place Kindergarten strongly focuses on School Readiness and learning as a group.
The Kindergarten program is aligned with the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF), ensuring that our intentional teaching covers the necessary content for children transitioning to primary school. The program is planned and delivered termly, with each term having an intentional teaching focus, broken down further into weekly learning topics.
The children participate in four group times daily, including circle time and intentional teaching, music and movement, story and rest time, and inquiry lessons.
Our Kindergarten program overview
- Term 1: Emotions/Social Skills: Tucker Turtle, Zones of Regulation, Bucket Filling, What's the Buzz Program, We Thinkers Program.
- Term 2: Identity and Belonging- Who we are and where we come from, Sustainability, and Parent Teacher Conferences.
- Term 3: Literacy: Jolly Phonics, Cued Articulation, Arthur Alligator, Tommy Turtle Handwriting, Heggerty Program, Reading Eggs and Science.
- Term 4: Numeracy (Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum: Foundation level), Math Seeds, Show & Tell, Space, Lunch Box Lunches, and Kindergarten Graduation.
Additionally, we utilise the Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool to capture children’s developmental progress, and share this information with families.
We believe in a balance of intentional teaching and child-led learning opportunities, which is why we provide children with the opportunity to participate in inquiry-based lessons each day, during which they can completely lead their learning.
Children are invited to choose and discuss the topics they wish to learn about, and with the use of technology, we encourage the children to draw on their inquiry skills to find the answers to their questions.
Community Collaboration
We value community collaboration in our program. Our Kindergarten children participate in two excursions and two incursions throughout the year. These include places like the Sea Life Aquarium, Twisted Science, Myuna Farm, Aviation Museum, and had visits from The Drama Toolbox, Animals of Oz, and Reptile Days.
- Ella language program.
- The Resilience Project.
- Pen Pals Program.
- Bush Kinder Inspired Program.
- Police, fire and ambulance visits.
- Clayton South Primary School visits for library and PMP lessons.
- Local primary school visits – Clarinda Primary & Westall Primary.
- Local librarian visits.
- Local walks and playground visits.
- Dental Health checkup.
- Buddy Program.