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Child Safety

Our Commitment to Child Safety

The new child safe standards now apply and at Discovery Tree, we have a ZERO tolerance for child abuse, and we believe that the safety and wellbeing of each child is paramount. This policy and associated procedures address the way child protection issues will be approached and managed, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all children. The new 11 Child Safe Standards that came into force in July 2022, are embedded in our service operations to ensure the following

This centre is committed to the safety and well-being of all children, and their welfare will always be our priority. Protecting children is a shared community responsibility that involves ensuring that all children are safe, have their needs met, and that the possibility of child abuse and neglect is minimised.

Children who attend our centre have a right to feel and be safe. Everyone in our organisation is aware of the role they play in ensuring a safe environment for children. This includes management, educators, staff, and volunteers working with children or in proximity to them, and employees with access to the records of children. Additionally, everyone is committed to this safety-first approach.
Discovery Tree will take all reasonable steps to ensure that we engage the most suitable and appropriate people to work with children.

Child Safety at Discovery Tree

Discovery Tree will use a range of screening measures and apply best practice standards in the screening and recruitment of employees and volunteers, including:

Discovery Tree will comply with the requirements for mandatory child related pre-employment checks.

We will ensure that employees working with children receive ongoing supervision, support, and training, thus developing and enhancing their performance. This approach will help create and maintain a child-safe environment.

At Discovery Tree we encourage parent’s input in identifying and stamping out child abuse, please refer to the following fact sheet, which will assist you in recognising the signs of child abuse and how to report it.

Tips For Talking To Your Child